Monday, September 27, 2010

Elk River 9-25-2010

Went to the Elk again with Big Popper to spend a day on the river. Stopped by Tim's and gleaned some advice, bought a few flies and hit the river around 11:00. Started fishing below the dam and saw some great hatches. Not certain what the hatch was, but most of the flies were in the size 18-22 range and were cream with cream bodies and tails, maybe a light dun wing...didn't get a lot of good looks. Saw some about the same, but with a brown tail. Got a couple of rises on a pmd (closest looking thing I had to the hatch). Found the dry fly fishing to be sporadic and my reaction slow so I switched to streamers. Got a few tugs but missed them. Saw people catching fish, so it was definitely me. We didn't have a ton of luck. Went to a different spot on the river and found the fish to be silent. No rises to speak of. Looks like the weather didn't affect the stockers by the dam, but it had the older fish down river. I think that with another week of cooler temps, the fishing will be better. But being a better fisherman would help.

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